About us

About us

Nathalie Engel is the founder and manager of Nathalie Engel Consulting. Native Swiss, based in Zürich since 1996 - she grew up in Geneva and worked a few years in Amsterdam. After returning from abroad –  she decided to help expats herself. In addition to her passion for travelling, Nathalie has gained a deep understanding of different cultures and lifestyles.


Care - Character - Competence
We provide tailor-made solutions to our multinational clients. 
With our team, knowledge and contacts we give you access to the swiss real estate market and partners.
Our goal is to make your relocation experience as pleasant and smooth as possible.

Professional experience

Nathalie has worked in the investment banking for more than 15 years at various banks and international broker companies.
She speaks four languages and her need to help people makes her an excellent relocation manager since several years.